
What is Keratoconus?

Keratoconus is an eye condition that causes the cornea to become progressively thinner. A normal cornea is round or spherical in shape, but with keratoconus the cornea bulges forward, assuming more of a cone shape. As light enters the cone shaped cornea it is bent and distorted and unable to come to a point of clear focus on the light-sensitive retina.

Keratoconus usually affects both eyes but the two eyes often progress at different rates. This disease typically begins during teenage years. In most patients, it progresses for several years before stabilizing in the third to fourth decade of life. In severe cases it can continue to worsen. In these cases the cornea continues to thin and bulge outward, further blurring vision. Scarring of the cornea can also develop.

Symptoms Of Keratoconus:

  • Bulging, cone-shaped cornea
  • Nearsightedness
  • Astigmatism
  • Glare and light sensitivity
  • The need for frequent prescription changes

Who Is At Risk:

Researchers believe that approximately 3 million people worldwide have keratoconus. It affects males and females of all races throughout the world. The causes are still being researched, but the likelihood of developing keratoconus is greater if you:

  • have a relative with keratoconus
  • have had excessive laser eye surgery
  • have hay fever, eczema, asthma or food allergies

How do we treat Keratoconus at Netra?


Clinical studies have shown Acupuncture is effective in a wide range of disorders including Eye Diseases, Diabetes, Hyperthyroidism, Hypothyroidism, Hashimoto, Cushing’s Syndrome, Osteoporosis, Thyroiditis, PCOS / Addison’s Disease and Menopause.

  • Increases Ocular Circulation.
  • Reduces Inflammation and Increases Circulation.
  • Non-Surgical and Opioid-Free treatment.
  • No side effects and safe.
  • Releases Endorphins to combat pain.

Ayurvedic Medicine

Ayurveda offers one of the most effective medicines for digestive issues and helps to correct root cause of your condition.

  • Complete holistic healing system in existence more than 3000 years.
  • Based on the concept of root-cause diagnosis and management.
  • Focuses equally on prevention and cure to improve quality of life.
  • Helps identify and recommends foods for your body type and condition.

Herbal Medicine

Herbal medicine has a history of at least several thousand years and uses mostly plants to treat diseases and promote health.

Can successfully treat many chronic and complex conditions.

  • Clinically and scientifically proven to treat a wide range of complex eye conditions.
  • Safe and has relatively less side effects.
  • Helps boost your immune system naturally.
  • Shown to reduce stress and relieve anxiety.
  • Improves respiratory and cardiovascular function.

Therapeutic Yoga

Therapeutic Yoga or Yoga Therapy involves employing a variety of yoga practices to help improve a health.

It also adapts the practice of Yoga to the needs of people with specific health condition.

  • Improves strength, balance and flexibility.
  • Helps with chronic pain relief.
  • Improves circulation and reduces blood pressure.
  • Reduces stress and improves sleep.
  • Improves respiratory and cardiovascular function.
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